Over the last few years, the District has published an annual report aligned with our 2019-2024 Strategic Plan Excellence for All: A Medway Mindset. The complete strategic plan can be viewed here: https://bit.ly/3Xj85kM. The Annual Report is intended to provide progress updates on goals and metrics associated with the efforts outlined in the strategic plan. With the known FY23 fiscal challenges, the district has decided to share the 2021-2022 Annual Report (last school year’s accomplishments and data points) with the community in a virtual instead of a printed format. You can find the 2021-2022 Excellence for All: A Medway Mindset Annual Report here: https://bit.ly/3Xnu6yS
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
2021-2022 annual report
All Medway Public Schools will be closed on Monday, January 16 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Schools closed on Monday, January 16
Did you know? In 2022, Medway residents collected over 35 tons of textiles at our Baystate Textile bins, which brought in $3,500 to the Medway Foundation for Education!
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Did you know? Baystate Textile bins brought in $3,500 to MFE
Have questions or want an opportunity to discuss School Committee matters with two of our members in a more casual setting? Board members Cindy Sullivan and Melissa Greenfield will be at the Medway Public Library conference room on Saturday, January 14, from 10:00 a.m.-Noon and at Mickey Cassidy's on Wednesday, January 25, from 7:00 pm.-9:00 pm.
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
School Committee Office Hours - January 14 & 25
Happy New Year from Medway Public Schools! Are you interested in keeping busy over the winter months? Look inside this week's Community Bulletin - there are plenty of options! https://conta.cc/3X64G8k
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Community Bulletin - January 6, 2023
HAPPY NEW YEAR! January is the time of year when many of us focus our efforts on breaking habits that no longer support us and strive to live a healthier lifestyle by eating better and incorporating exercise into our life. Dry January, zero consumption of alcohol, has been gaining traction over the years, especially post pandemic. Design & content by: Aileen Green. More information can be found by visiting the 'SUP Medway Fb page.
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Dry January - positive side effects
DRY JANUARY-ARE YOU IN?Start the year fresh. Medway community members that are part of 'SUP Medway are encouraging you to pause alcohol use for the first month of the year. This trend started in 2012 and now millions of people across several countries take part in this annual health challenge. Design credit: Carolynne Benedetto
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
dry January - are you in?
Summer Street Crash Update - The Medway Police Department is pleased to make the public aware that Summer Street is now Open. We appreciate your patience.
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
summer street
IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE MEDWAY POLICE DEPARTMENT - Summer St is closed this morning between Milford & Adams St due to an overnight crash. Summer St is impassable at Highland St where work crews are active. Commuters should seek alternate routes. High school traffic should approach from the north.
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
traffic alert
Last week Memorial counselors developed an interactive assembly where students learned about cooperation by building a real life snowman!
about 2 years ago, Burke-Memorial Elementary
Friday December 23rd is an early release day! Memorial students will be dismissed at 11:30. Please remember to send in a note for any dismissal changes. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Burke-Memorial Elementary
early release
Thank you MEPTO volunteers for inviting our students to choose a free book today to bring home as part of the RIF program. There was a great selection and the children had so much fun!
about 2 years ago, Burke-Memorial Elementary
A huge thank you to MEPTO for sponsoring an engaging anti-bullying enrichment program for our 4th graders this morning! The children had fun learning about an important topic while seeing some incredible magic and learning some interesting facts about bananas (Ask tour student!)! Thank you Rob, from Dynamic Influence, and of course to our students for being a great audience!
about 2 years ago, Burke-Memorial Elementary
Straight jacket
If you are a one-person household and make less than $40,951 per year or a two-person household and make less than $53,551 per year, you may qualify for home fuel assistance. Funding is provided through SMOC, South Middlesex Opportunity Council. A full eligibility and benefits chart can be found here: https://www.smoc.org/pdf/FY%202022%20LIHEAP%20Income%20Eligibility%20and%20Benefit%20Chart%20DEC%20ARPA%20increase_12_16_21.pdf Medway Outreach Workers Marcia Lombardo and Kim Cookson are happy to help you apply for fuel assistance or answer any questions. They can be reached at 508-533-3210 or mlombardo@townofmedway.org. Please note if adults in your household are not U.S. citizens, but a child in the home is a citizen, you can still apply for fuel assistance.
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
SMOC - Fuel Assistance
Reminder! Tomorrow Wednesday November 23rd is an Early Release Day! Students will be dismissed at 11:30. Please notify your child’s teacher if you require a dismissal change. You can send in a note or send an email. We wish our Memorial community a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
about 2 years ago, Burke-Memorial Elementary
early release
Reminder - The Medway Girl Scouts will be at the High School today (11/21) and tomorrow (11/22) from 6:00-8:00 p.m. collecting nonperishable food donations for the food pantries during race registration and bib pick up. Please consider donating.
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Food Drive Donation List
Food Drive Donation List
"Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot" - There's a lot to be thankful for inside this week's Community Bulletin. https://conta.cc/3VbpxGG
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Community Bulletin - November 18
Save the date for picture retakes on December 8! This is for those students who were absent, or who did not like the original photo that was taken. Those packages can be returned and a new photo taken. Originals will be in soon!
about 2 years ago, Burke-Memorial Elementary
Picture retakes
Picture retakes Spanish
Tomorrow Thursday November 17th is an early release day! Memorial students will be dismissed at 11:30. No lunch will be served but we ask that you please send in a snack with your child. Please also remember to make your teacher aware of any dismissal changes. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Burke-Memorial Elementary
early release
A HUGE thank you to MEPTO for serving lunch to the Memorial staff today!! Everyone loved it! MEPTO lunches are always a big hit, and one of our favorite days. Thanks to the volunteers for all you do!!
about 2 years ago, Burke-Memorial Elementary